2017 Call for Papers
April 19- 23, 2017
Albany State University Department of English & Modern Languages and
Circling The Elements Conference: HIP HOP IN DIASPORA:

Talib Kweli & Styles P - Last Ones (Official Video)
2017 Circling the Elements Hip Hop Conference: HIP HOP IN DIASPORA:
Call for Proposals
April 19 – 23, 2017
Albany State University
In the 1970s, DJ Kool Herc, a Jamaican born man living in the Bronx, helped spark the birthof a new genre/culture: Hip Hop. Popularized by Black and Brown marginalized populations in the United States, Hip Hop is a genre and culture now known around the world. From its early inception until now, Hip Hop has evolved into a culture and art form with its own Diaspora. During this, our fifth annual conference, we will explore how Hip Hop has reached a global audience and undergirded a whole new worldview for the last thirty years. This year, we will come to know Hip Hop in Diaspora. The committee invites proposals/abstracts that:
Explore Hip Hop in various global locations
Discuss the role of the Hip Hop Diaspora in social activism
Use Diaspora as a concept to interrogate Hip Hop cultural demographics
Interrogate the role of Hip Hop in social justice movements
Provide discussions on the role of gender in Hip Hop communities
And more.
Each presenter will have 15-20 minutes for paper presentations or 45-minutes for roundtable discussions and workshops on targeted issues or topics. Other formats (i.e., ethnodrama, performance, poetry, autoethnography, and fiction) are welcome as well. Artists are encouraged to send in proposals to be included in the concluding Hip Hop Showcase held on the final night of the conference. All proposals/abstracts should include your name, your institutional-affiliated contact information, including email address and phone number.
Send 200-300 word abstract for papers, round tables, and other formats via email to: circlingtheelements@asurams.edu to the attention of CTE STAFF.
The deadline for this call is December 31, 2016.
2017 Conference Fees
Presenters $30.00
Early Registration for Presenters $25.00
Graduate Students Presenters $15.00
Public $10.00
College Students Free
Kids to 17 year olds Free